(Prices do not include tax)
Ireland Hotel is not on any other Booking Sites, not Expedia or Hotels.com Either call the Hotel directly or use Our Booking Site to make your reservation. Select which location best suits your group, Ireland has some restrictions please note them. The Booking Site is for both IRELAND HOTEL and LITTLE SHAMROCK MOTEL & WATERPARK
$ 79 per night Queen or King bed (two persons max) No Pets
$ 99 per night 2 Queen sized beds, 2nd floor (four persons max) No Pets
$ 99 per night 1 King 1Queen sized bed, main floor (4 persons) No Pets
* Plus Taxes
Minimum 15 Years of Age with an Adult NOT Pet Friendly NOT Smoking Friendly
– all rooms are updated with their own bathroom ! yes, originally they were one to a floor.
– Mini fridge, microwave and coffee maker available in the lobby only.
– WiFi with Smart TV’s in every room!